Shares of Jio Financial Services, the demerged financial services unit of Reliance Industries, listed on the bourses on Monday, with the stock falling nearly 5 per cent on the NSE later in the trade. On the BSE, shares of the company began the trade at Rs 265, up 1.20 per cent against Rs 261.85, the price fixed at a special price discovery session held last month. However, the stock later fell by 3.85 per cent to hit Rs 251.75 -- its lower circuit limit -- against Rs 261.85. Shares of the company listed at Rs 262 on the NSE but later declined 4.94 per cent to Rs 248.90 -- its lower circuit limit. The company commanded a market valuation of Rs 1,59,943.93 crore in morning deals. Jio Financial Services Ltd (JFSL) demerged from Reliance last month. In a special price discovery session held on the record date last month, the stock's pre-listing price came out to be Rs 261.85. "Trading members of the exchange are hereby informed that effective from Monday, August 21, 2023, eq...